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Regional Radio for South Arkansas

KQ-102 Programs a "Talk and News" format, KQEW has listeners in virtually every demographic. Its strongest age demographic is 25-54. As far as gender is concerned, the audience is close to 50/50, male/female, but will show a little higher on the female side.

Weekday mornings from 5 till 8 you'll hear the "Don Imus Show" That's followed by our locally produced "TTO Program" featuring Saxon Coates, His Uncle, Paul Coates and Rynne Roark.

Due to our 20/20 Weather Coverage, almost EVERYONE, young, elderly, and everyone in between will tune in to KQEW during inclement or severe weather. In South Central Arkansas, it is impossible to talk to a larger or more diverse group of people than the KQ-102 audience.

Every weekday afternoon from 2 till 5 you'll hear the ever popular Dave Ramsey Live as he takes your phone calls. Evening and weekends find KQEW's sports programming coming to the forefront with live local area high school Sports game broadcasts

On the college level, we broadcast Arkansas State University football and basketball games.

If you want to know more, just give send us an email